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Project Camelot Interview Super Solider Summit - May 30, 2012 (2)
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there is a Jaguar
stretch that occurring waiting for more
strange cheaters done
pick a tie green no way to escape
no one hears my screen
he's come here so often just when I'm
alone I can't help the lobby everywhere
he's a child child child
this is Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot
whistleblower radio and we are live
tonight on this Wednesday night let's
see on May 30th and it's going to be a
very interesting show I myself have not
had a preliminary chance to talk table
but we're going to do that here and now
and I appreciate them all coming on
there's actually if we can get them all
on here we we've got four people and
we're using a combination of various
Skype contacts and so we'll see how this
goes audio wise first of all let me say
that I'm going to be speaking at
conspiracy Con this weekend and if you
go to the front page of Project Camelot
that's Project Camelot dot TV or you can
put in Project Camelot
org or you can also put in Project
Camelot portal comm all of those those
URLs will get you to the same place
which is our new website
courtesy of Tommy Hansen and some some
other people who I don't usually call
their names out simply in case they they
want to protect themselves sometimes
people get in trouble and then they help
cam up Camelot so uh so I have to be
very careful in that regard but it
doesn't mean that we're not very very
appreciative for them to to be helping
us out in this way at any rate what I'm
saying here is is that we we do have a
poster on the website that shows you the
faces of these individuals so if you
want to go to that front page and just
scroll down to the blog area you'll see
the announcement for the show with the
poster itself which is about 2/3 down
the page and the individuals names are
James rank Alera Blackwell Richard
Rogers and max Spears and all of them
are claiming to be super soldiers and
and they're going to be part of a a
summit that's happening in San Rafael
California on the 23rd of June and so we
have been
sort of set up with all of this by way
of Lori and Fenton so I want to thank
her very much for making this possible
tonight and then just kind of go ahead
and see where we can go with this again
I guess what I was just also letting
people know is and I I don't know if
they've had a chance to do it but if
they can do it while we're on the show
here if they can go over to all those
listening all the super soldiers if you
can go to Project Camelot portal calm or
Project Camelot org scroll down to the
front page to my blog and read an
article which is entitled it's on the
front page about halfway down it's
called regarding the case of Bill Brock
braider or are you paranoid if they are
really out to get you that's required
reading for this for this bit of
interview that you've got going on with
me here because that will give you some
background that you may not have up to
now so so let's just kind of start out
and and we'll go around the circle and
have you introduce yourselves with maybe
a brief paragraph in introduction let
people know who you are
maybe something brief about you know how
you got involved in the super-soldier
summit coming up and you know maybe the
type of super-soldier you consider
yourself to be something of that nature
so why don't we start off with James
rank yeah yeah thank you Carrie for
allowing me to come on your show so I
don't even know where to begin that was
a pretty loaded question there maybe
yeah maybe I should just start with how
this whole super-soldier summit all
manifested that might get the audience
background info okay go right ahead all
right so this was back in mid July last
year max Spears contacted me and you
know both of us were really frustrated
because we are being traumatized
tortured I mean I get needle marks on a
regular base a regular it happens
everyday I just got one this morning so
I'm still active max is still active but
of course that you know
he needs speak for himself but between
between both of us we want to somehow to
get our stories put out there because we
just felt like the time was right and
people were are starting to open are
opening up I'm willing to listen to what
we have to say so
Max and I we did a meditation together
ask him some doors to open up using my
little neo meditation cube and a month
later my friends are all nudging me say
James James you need to go out to the
awake and aware conference and uh you
know down at Irvine and I didn't really
want to go because I didn't have the
money and I just feel like it was a just
a good use of my time and money at that
point but right I think like the the
last day that the tickets were still on
sale the money manifested just like that
and at that point I had no reason not to
go so I said what the heck I'll go down
there and I I spent a week out there I
picked max up and we both went to the
conference and it was between one of the
speakers I don't remember at which I got
up and I I gave bill Ryan one of my
little tiny neo cubes and I did a
meditation with him you know here in
this room with like five six hundred
people and I and when that was happening
this this other lady came up to me that
was actually Lauren and she said James
watch he showed me how to use his new
cube but you know we didn't really have
time to do it till later until after you
know the conference was over so I got I
showed her by neo cube and then I just
nonchalantly said oh by the way Lauren
I'm being used as a my lab super-soldier
and that's when Lauren told me that
she's setting up summit and San
Francisco well north of San Francisco
and and that's how the first Super
Soldier summit ever got set up basically
in a nutshell okay at this point just
you know to make it easy for everyone so
we go around the circle once
at least before we kind of get into to
some depth here let's go to the next
next person alright and thank you for
that because that that's that's a great
way to start and let's go to Richard
Rodgers boom huh yeah well I'm not
certain how I got dub dragging this
thing exactly being drug-drug I guess
but James and I made contact and and I
have a book out also as a warriors of
the light but I'm not certain I'm if
you'd really call it that super soldiers
or not because at this point I'm not
even certain this stuff is real we know
we have that physical marks on our body
from these things that happen to us but
most of it seems to just be mental and
just just consciousness based almost
like you're just put a simulator but I'm
not sure that's fair enough and and so
that's really interesting and so but you
you did agree to come along and and to
go be part of the this summit is that
correct yes ma'am I did because mine
seems to be a very corroborated story
like I met a guy named the dowser Dan
who's our conference last conference and
he and I had it some of the exact same
experiences and that's whenever I
started understanding that maybe this is
not like we even have free will when
we're put into this I was just like I
put the brainwashing simulator or
something like that I really can't say I
understand it at this point ok well
that's that's very interesting and I'm
happy to go down that road with you a
little further let me ask you did you
know these other people the the other
participants in this this panel we're
having here before you you came on board
well James Todd talked a little bit but
beste probably pretty much it there's
another lady named on Sheila house she
and I have had some experiences together
and I thought maybe she wouldn't get to
come home to I sleep up got about three
different experiences together and I say
that dolls are dan we've had probably 20
or 30 different experiences that we can
say that we've gone through now
but identical okay very interesting uh
all right so let's see we've gotten
James rink and we've gotten Richard
Rodgers and and how about adhara
adhara is that how you say your name
that's a Lara
olara okay maybe maybe it's I don't see
it on the poster maybe I'm not doing
that right okay no problem
olara and would you like to talk a
little bit about just just how you kind
of get involved in this and what type of
super-soldier maybe you consider
yourself to be okay so I had gotten my
memories back in October of 2010 and I
was questioning about it I went to the
first UFO conference Congress actually
here in Phoenix in 2011 and started
asking around and nobody could really
tell me anything about it
and those that kind of understood what I
was talking about we're like don't talk
about this here and I was like okay and
I kind of just let it go at that point
because I was busy going to school and
things like that
well the UFO Congress this year I ran
into a ton of people that were saying
you need to talk to this guy in miles
Johnson and I was like okay so I finally
ran into him and told him about these
memories that I had and he asked me if I
wanted to do an interview and it kind of
confirmed that I wasn't just making this
stuff up
so that kind of threw me for a loop and
I've been dealing with that since
February I not really a super soldier I
guess in the typical sense I was a
battlefield asset as a remote viewer
that was attached to the Super Soldier
program and wasn't really that involved
with the super soldiers per se because I
ended up getting out of the Marine Corps
before they could fully utilize me and I
was considered a malfunction in 2001 and
they kind of just let me go and do my
own thing and just figured that I
wouldn't be able to regain my memories
or my abilities at all and they just
left me alone
so okay but I'm just sorry I started you
interrupt you here and then I am going
to want to go into a little more depth
when we come back around so so that was
just that was it I have my memories back
awareness back and I still do remote
viewing and things like that okay
then I was told that this summit was
happening and started talking to Lorien
and she asked if I wanted to speak and
and that was it that's okay now are you
saying you were in the Marines in you
know in other words you are I don't know
an ex-marine at this point oh yeah I
wasn't I was an active-duty marine okay
okay so just illogical linguist so
that's what I did was when I was done
sort of your cover if you will I think
so I don't know what it was going to be
but that's what the job that I was that
I was put into a Bruce Williams okay I
don't know what what's going on with
other people but at the moment it
appears that my website is down this is
par for the course I don't know anyone
else out there help the whole Project
Camelot portals down yeah that we did an
interview last night and the guy his
website was also down when he tried to
upload this interview that we did with
him I see very interesting yeah we had a
lot of interference like feedback and a
lot too
okay well yeah it just does not appear
to be loading at all at the moment so uh
you know that that could interfere with
our speaker audience very sorry to say
but but will will continue to forge
ahead here and you know at worst comes
to worst they'll get it after the after
the fact if you will okay and we have
one person left and because I can't load
my website on hold on one second I'm
having to find we got max Spears yeah
how you doing I'm doing good I'm doing
good um my my story's a little different
for me I'd been searching for something
that I knew that was buried ever since
like 1997 and then in 2008 in March of
2008 I got over a three-week period many
many many memories came back to me all
at once and
it made me have it almost have a nervous
breakdown but then I got in contact with
james casbolt and we started speaking
and he remembered me and I remembered
him and I have extensive memories of him
and I and it's been searching since then
really as simple as that I mean I I
remember I remember the trauma I
remember trauma-based mind control
I remember occult rituals oh hey did it
why didn't it why how they split my mind
okay and and uh where are you based
I am based now right now in Phoenix okay
and and did you get I mean that was one
I was born in Brighton in England yeah
okay because I was gonna say how did you
get ahold of james casbolt he got ahold
of me up he posted a list of people
involved in black ops projects in 2010
and there was a number of people on that
list I was on the list he would and I
knew I recognized all the people on the
list so that's that's how that's how
that began oh okay a very interesting
man you remembered me all right all
right well I think we've gone around the
circle once at this point and thank you
for that
it looks like my website is slowly
coming up just for everyone
so they know and also the the four
people here on live with me we have a
chat room okay there are some there are
some problems still but we do have a
chat room there's a link at the top of
the website so if the chat comes up I
know there are people on there that will
want to ask you questions and you guys
are welcome to also join the chatroom
all you do is just start typing in into
the sort of once you click on the link
which is again it's on the front page of
the of the site assuming you can get
there then it takes you to the chat and
you can just sign in your name or just
actually start typing what you have to
say like hi everyone and then hit return
and it basically gives you a neighbor or
ask you if you want to make
name and name yourself or something I
can't remember what it does because
mine's sort of automatic it brings me up
so so you can do that and and we do have
people that are trying to get on to the
chat so they can be asking questions
behind the scene the other thing we also
have is Colin lines here at AFR American
freedom radio and and we will make that
available to people so they can call in
of the second hour of the show so so
just stay tuned for that everyone all
right well this is great and I
appreciate all of you coming on it's uh
you know you're quite a sort of a
disparate group right you're not
necessarily alike in all that many ways
right no anyone I mean okay you know and
I know this is kind of a free-for-all
it's it's difficult to know who's
talking and who should talk next and all
that so let me let me point the
questions at certain people we're about
to go to a break when we come back we'll
we'll sort of ask you specific questions
and I'll ask them by person so we don't
have any confusion thank you very much
we'll be right back with the
super-soldier summit
Project Camelot whistleblower radio and
we are talking live to four super
soldiers that are part of a super
soldier summit that's coming up on the I
think it's the 23rd of June ms in San
Rafael California so that's a it's a
small conference from what I understand
and are you guys the only speakers and
and why doesn't James rank answer that
question yeah hi I just want to mention
that the website for that summit is WW
super soldier summit calm and there's
guy I believe there's about 300 seats so
this is the first summit of its kind
that's ever been done so we we have no
idea what what's gonna transpire since
we're you know an uncharted territory
but okay yeah I hear you well that's
great and and yeah I'm on your site
right now so that's that's very good and
I see that you've got Douglas Dietrich
who's going to be presenting and and
he's a really awesome speaker had him on
my show not long ago so I you guys are
going to have a lot of fun with him very
intelligent guy and a lot of fun fun too
so so that'll be cool I I guess let me
ask you this first of all I max peers
are you familiar with Duncan opinion yes
I am I know Duncan and Miranda okay and
what about the others do do all of you
know Duncan and me of Miranda or just a
few of you or has it work I'm only
talking I want to talk my only spoken to
Miranda because we've had kind of
similar stories but I haven't talked to
Duncan okay and what about you Richard I
know of them but I've never spoken with
them I see and and James okay duck and I
don't really get along okay that's all
that's all good you know at the moment
Tonka and I don't get along so and we
did you know used to so I these he's
he's Omega his jobs to keep other super
soldiers in line okay those are starting
to go rogue okay well I guess I've gone
rogue no anyway but yeah that's all good
and just moving right along here you
know this is this is this is great that
you guys are doing this what I'd like to
do is go around now if you don't mind
and kind of get a short version of how
you recognize that there was something
going on and that you may be a super
soldier or you know and and if you're
super soldier experiences are happening
you know during during the sleep state
the so called sleep state and and please
I don't know I mean some of you appear
up here to become familiar with Camelot
but if you're not familiar with my
website I you know it would be great to
get a more familiar I did interview
initially duncan o'finioan and an Aaron
McCullum as well as several others along
lines and and and so you know in some
some way she might say we've even
brought this whole concept forward to
the world and help Duncan to do so as
that was part of his mission initially
anyway so if you just go around and give
you give kind of a brief introduction as
like how you recognize she became a
super soldier and let's start with James
ring yeah well first of all we when you
say we become a super soldier it's more
like we're born into this I was part of
project surrogate which basically if for
the audit for those who've never heard
of project surrogate what they do is
they they create a test-tube baby embryo
and they they experiment on it the
inject either it could when my case it
was crocodile and dolphin well fish DNA
and then a regional Nazi SS super
soldier and programming human DNA and
now what they would do is they would
create an embryo and they would grow it
up in a test tube and then they wouldn't
insert it into Illuminati families and
we all and usually their handlers well
their program has handlers and we we are
probably sin my case project surrogate
we're not really genetically related to
our family but they erase us as their
own children and the reason why they do
this is because if we were just kept in
an underground facility all our life we
would be they found that that we that
those type of super soldiers are weak
and sickly they're just not as strong as
effective so in order so they allow us
to have at least I guess you could say
someone who loves us even though they
operate as a handler as well but it
helps keep us under control and in the
process they use torture and they
fragment our mind so that on one hand we
are living a double life you know and
the public yeah well let me let me just
yeah and thank you for that that's
that's very interesting it sounds like
you've got a fair amount of conscious
who told you about this because
obviously the the embryo I mean you know
your state of mind okay point was smart
really quest conscious okay good
question now there was a another
individual that was able to get away
from her handlers and because of the way
were programmed we have the ability to
photographically remember things and she
was able to grab a bunch of files and
she was she was able to give me that
info about project circuit now it's and
that wasn't the only source I add on
project surrogate as well I think I've
had okay three or four other individuals
I was able to get this information okay
and you're you're pretty young at least
but based on the picture you know no
offense you know here but you look like
the youngest of the group am i right um
I don't know I I'm pretty young but I
don't think I'm the youngest okay how
old are you right now I'm 32 you mind
saying I'm 32 okay well you'll even look
younger than that in the photo right
you're James rink
okay you know you look like a kind of a
kid but yeah I know that's like I said I
had two phases I have one is uh well one
is for my public life and then when they
want to utilize me then we're getting
into multi-dimensional aspects or
interdimensional I hear you okay well
that's cool um so at this moment I'm
just curious when did you start to
realize that you might not be just your
average kid alright okay well that was
that would probably back in 2005 I was I
I was friends with my friend was uh that
sort of woke me up his name was Nathan
Wilder and what happened is I was just
joking he was very psychic clairvoyant
and I was just joking one day saying hey
hey Nate you might be a super soldier
and back then in 2005 anyway late 2004
there wasn't much information about it
the only person really that's that went
public that I knew of at that time was
Michael Andrew Perot and is his
information so I was just joking about
this and then
next thing I know Nate was he starts
getting memories back of being an
underground facility and I did what I
could to help deprogram him fast four to
three months later he tells me he's he's
done he's dying he's and then he goes
missing around the same time I start
seeing well I start getting needle marks
scratches I got a scoop mark implants
start showing up and it began about once
a day I mean once a week then it went to
like two two times a week three times a
week then I went all that like the the
extent of it was like two or three times
a day I would get like scabs and cut
marks triangular shaped scabs and so
this was going on to about 2007 and I
didn't really know what was gone because
Nate went missing I couldn't really like
me I couldn't find any information I had
no memories of what what I was getting
what was going on and then I came in
contact with my friend Caroline and she
was a remote viewer and she she actually
remote viewed the codes for the nuclear
silos and she posted them on the
internet and so the government was after
her for doing that and then so she
contacted me on Facebook and said James
you look like your military and I'm like
what what the heck I was never in the
military and then we start doing I I was
doing some regressions with her remote
viewing sessions together and then
that's when of course I mean I was
getting hints at that time people were
saying James the ETS do not do cuts from
cutting us Sahni seto and radicular so
and it was basically the it's the covert
government that's doing these kind of
things so that okay okay so around 2007
and then foot four and it was really
about 2010 that I start getting some
memories back I mean I had a little bit
of memories like I see myself in an
underground facility laying unconscious
and some kind of dentist like chair I
see myself jumping out of helicopter
without a parachute which is actually
quite common for a lot of us had been
through this okay well I'm gonna stop
you there because that's a good a good
brief introduction to you and let's move
to a lara block Blackwell and
see what olara has to say to the same
question basically it's it's when did
you recognize that you might be a super
soldier that you were different
how did that happen in your life it was
October of 2010 I went to the star
nation conference which is hosted by
chief gold Knight Eagle and it's been
happening once a year and it was in Ohio
that serpent mounds and I went with a
group of friends and we were all
standing around and this woman came up
to us and said are you trying to
infiltrate and we're like what are you
talking about she goes she was who are
you like what are you doing here and
we're like you know we're star seeds
we're kind of just hanging out doing our
thing and she looked at us again she
does know there's two of you here that
are government she goes I can tell
you're here I can feel you your military
she's like what are you doing here and
that kind of surprised all of us because
there's about ten of us standing around
but only two of us were former Marine
Corps and she walked into the center of
our group is very telling us who she was
and I wish I could remember what she had
said but she had mentioned that she was
a part of the Delta assassination
program this is an older woman she's
probably like in her 50s or 60s and she
started telling us all this stuff but if
she was talking all I heard was the
phonetic Keys I could not understand
anything she was saying as knowledge and
my brain kind of just buzzed out and I
knew she'd given me an order I would
have done anything but the thing that
she said was you're free and when she
said that both both me and the other the
other person hit the ground and just
started shaking violently and crying and
wow it was and all these memories
started flooding back and my friends
luckily at the point we were all going
kind of through our ascension process
and being aware and our third eyes is of
coming on all that's they're all very
like aware of this energy that was like
falling off me and I kind of just
freaked out for a couple days going I
can't believe this happened but as I
went through all of it like all the
pieces that have been missing in my life
kind of made sense at that point and I
just had to kind of sit down and figure
out what was going on and and and deal
with it as best as I could and luckily
I'd already kind of found my own
spiritual center so I was already strong
in that room
and use that as kind of an anchor to not
just lose my mind because I knew I was
not my mind and I was not my memories at
that point I knew I was something more
than that
and it kind of gave me a light to be
guided by so that's when I found out and
then since then it's kind of just been
seeing if it's true or not because the
first the first program I ever had to
get over was don't look don't talk so I
thought conspiracy theory was kind of
stupid I didn't believe in UFOs I was
kind of like whatever on this stuff I
don't want to hear about it and then I
realized I'm right in the middle of it
it's what I was like first command was
just not to look into it at all even yes
my tribe and people like I'll go talk go
look at this person go watch this video
I'd be like okay and then just not do it
because I I was so adverse to hearing
anything and I had to break through it I
couldn't even talk about it half the
time because it felt like someone was
choking me every time I tried to say
anything so I kind of worked on it on my
own and started trying to use loopholes
to get around it by writing fiction
stories for to myself about things that
are like oh this is just made up but for
some reason that allow the information
to come out and to be processed because
I wasn't telling the truth so that that
choke hold on me wasn't there and and I
slowly just started talking about it
with my friends more just to kind of get
over that compulsion and and I didn't
even know half the time if it was true
or not until that's why I started
looking and trying to put my story out
there just to see if anyone else knew
what I was talking about because to me I
was like this is ridiculous nobody goes
through this kind of stuff are you
kidding me like this doesn't actually
happen and when I found an it did I had
to really take a good loved about what
was going on and and all the pieces of
my life so I started chronicling
everything I could think of in my blog
just to kind of put it down to some
semblance of order to see what was
actually going on and what I found out
was really intense and when I talked to
my mother and my grandmother and all
that about it there there are things
that don't line up and and now it's just
a continual journey to figure out what
was going on and seeing if I can if I
can figure it out
okay thank you olara that's fascinating
and and I'm sorry we're gonna move on to
the next person but we'll come back to
you and
thank you very much that's uh that's
great um so now we've got Richard
Rodgers Richard can you just answer the
in whatever way you choose just saying
how you kind of came into the
recognition of yourself as a super
soldier and you know kind of when that
happened in your trajectory and anything
attendant to that that you think we
should know okay um I guess that began
with my children well my son was about
seven or eight years old he woke up one
morning he said that uh he had a dream
and I stopped him and I said were you on
the moon and he said yeah and I said
were you standing in a circle of people
maybe 79 people he said yeah and we were
wearing white astronaut outfit with a
dark glasses yeah then he says are you
psychic and I said no I had the same
dream about the same age and I was
thinking it was just perhaps
genetic memories but um as time went on
we started getting older I had a
daughter also and we would start seeing
each other during our dreams and we
would have intense
I guess combat training you'd say and
special abilities training like they
would it put me in a room with eight
people and have me read all their minds
simultaneously okay and we're gonna ask
you to hold on Richard and we're having
a break here and we'll be right back
with the super-soldier summit for super
soldiers thank you very much
program to come on right then or not but
considering what what Richard was just
saying before the interruption Richard
you want to just kind of carry on from
there you were something about you were
gonna read eight then eight people's
minds in a room that was one of your
assignments or whatever well what we do
is we just wake up in these new
scenarios and that was one of them it
placed me in where you had to read all
eight people's minds simultaneously and
what you did you'd hear all the all the
chatter of their minds and then they
would show you the symbol and it would
show you how to bring it in into your
mind so you can tell what your voice
train was coming from which embody you
couldn't go and read their minds you
just read their current thoughts so you
can do but uh some of the other training
they had done for this was Oh gracious
like they they put us in a warehouse and
I remember levitating about 15 20
objects at a time and you could levitate
them as a full cloud you could have up
to four channels you know for me at
least and it means you can levitate the
whole cloud of objects as one channel
then you take three other objects and
work them independently of the cloud of
objects or you can have four clouds of
objects and okay well you know I yeah
I'm sorry to interrupt you here but you
know you didn't in a certain sense you
didn't actually answer the question no
no no no no fail because I was just you
you started to have memories with your
child you said and then you kind of
zigzagged over to some of the things
that you were remembering but but now
this was the things they would do with
us my my child and I we would remember
seeing each other during the training
and that's how I started understanding
that uh I thought everybody was going
through this and they just didn't talk
about it and I found out otherwise okay
let's do my kids and I went through
these things okay how and and how old
was so you were you
in other words you
through your entire life up till a
certain age I'm assuming without this
kind of memory bleeding through is that
what you're saying or I know all my
memories are real time I don't have any
memory regressions or anything but mine
are all real time no but what I meant is
when how old were you when you started
getting becoming conscious of being you
know trained or different or you know
I'm saying about paid you for oh really
okay so when you had kids you were
already aware that you had I don't know
if you want to view it like this or not
maybe a second life that you were living
right that's us right because I remember
being on an Air Force Base and flying a
little black triangle and but you
clearly couldn't say it was real I mean
it's real why you're there but there's
no way you can really have this double
life it's almost like an alternate
reality okay but let me ask you this
what did you do in your life you know in
your so-called normal life what what did
you do because you're older right right
I'm coming up on 49 years old now what
almost went to the army guard for a
while then I was 10 years active duty
Air Force and completed my requirements
for the degree in avionics technologies
and currently work for the past 11 years
for a major communications company as
electronics tech ok very interesting ok
we'll come back to you and you know
we'll ask more questions when we do
thank you so much Richard
so the last person we've got is max
Spears max you probably know the
question by now so on yes yeah ok I
think the best way for me to say it is
if I tell you what enough from from
where I am now rather than go back in
time so what I can tell you now is that
um I know I came from my father's side I
come from Merovingian bloodline here the
Hyuga know French Merovingian bloodline
he's like a hundred percent that my
mother side is she's Nordic she's blonde
haired blue-eyed so um when when I was
when I was first born I had some
thing happened to me weather line went
down the center of my body and I half of
me turned purple
half of me turn yellow and doctors came
in and they took pictures and they said
it was called the Harlequin effect and
my life has been dual ever since then I
was born on winter solstice so I'm but
I'm 12 22 and I started I've been
studying this since read that books
would fall off shelves when I be in
bookstores from about 1997 1998 and I
just followed clues and it got to a
point where I did I realized how much
trauma that I've been through because I
was repressing it by depressing it and
um in 2008 apparently what I've learned
now around the age of 30 people who have
gone through ritual trauma the trauma
starts to break down and it was around
my 30th birthday that like I just turn I
was six months after my 30th birthday
that um that broke down and all these
memories came back and I remember a lot
of occult ritual a lot of sexual occult
ritual a lot of black magic stuff that
went on with me um but no but you know
I'm just in terms of I understand the
the sort of let's say Illuminati you
know they do this to to their kids so
you don't necessarily become a super
soldier out of that but in your case you
apparently were already utilized in that
way and I'm just wondering where those
memories my tablet bled through is that
also the same thing yeah I was in 2008
that that happened I I have memories of
being on submarines I have memories of
being in black helicopters I have
memories with James Caswell I have
memories of shooting people killing
people and kids think I mean it's they
flooded over three weeks or three weeks
of time it's kind of hard because well
as I speak to you and tell you I relive
it okay it's kind of difficult but um ya
know I appreciate that very much in
blood line is that I do not
naki blog line which is the warrior
bloodline and something with that
yeah there's I totally get that and we
can see that in your physicality here um
okay well excuse me I have a call I was
just gonna go over cold sorry sorry
about that
so in terms of of your everyday life
what have you done in your everyday life
up to them up to 2008 yeah I guess I was
t I was involved in teaching I was
involved in teaching my both my parents
had professors so I was involved in the
teaching field teaching English and art
and was this in England this was I've
been lived in Los Angeles since 1995
live in LA since 1995 and iíve move I've
lived other than New Zealand from 2000
to 2003 and there was periods of time
there when I was there that I was
remembering things too there's been
specific reasons why I've been flying
now that I've been placed in these day
I've been lived in five five different
continents for periods of time right it
just seems like I've been moved there
like a chess piece out there and I'm the
people have come into my life go out of
my life and then my life changes the
so really specifically much about weight
I I remember I remember what I did I
remember what happened I mean it's a
long story
but that's when it came back to me and
so I've uncovered a lot since then
okay yeah very interesting uh all right
so so let's let's kind of go back now to
to james rink and and just ask you to
talk a little bit more about maybe your
take on on your being a super-soldier
what that means to you where where you
you think it leads in other words do you
understand I mean this goes to all four
of you so just be thinking about it you
know how you're gonna answer you know
while I go through each one of you but
do you understand
what kind of missions you were used for
and why that kind of thing in other
words did you were you just an ottoman
time did you just do what you're told
no idea or did you really understand how
you're being utilized and why and I'm
first person I'm going to ask this James
rank yeah that's a good question
for me we are so programmed we are
almost it's a it we are like in a I
wouldn't want to say comatose state but
it's it's we are so robotic that we
don't really have the ability to have
any kind of free will it's we just do
what we're told and for me I mean when
you asked like what kind of missions
what would they would be like these
these missions would some of them could
be offworld some of them would be
obviously with black ops I recall doing
a mission where I was dressed up in a
black suit and I had some kind of like I
look like a some kind of a k47 or some
kind of weapon and I was going through
this underground it almost looked like a
cave but there was what there was water
in the bottom and I was and there was
people behind me but they were also
dressed up just like me
and so the that would be like one
example another example would be for
instance I saw myself on like a hangar
bay and I saw this acorn-shaped
let craft levitating out this pod bay
door so again that if you've studied die
Glocke you know the Bell yes that could
possibly be that I mean I had this other
memory where I saw myself I was dressed
up in camos and I had black boots and I
had a patrol hat on and the general
handed me a piece of paper I saluted and
stepped out
oh well I I live right down this way
back yeah we'll be right back and thank
you very much James Shh
hi this is Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot
whistleblower radio just getting my dog
sit down here
okay so we're were we we were uh we
actually talking to James rink and and
James I think you were about to say
something when when you were gonna
relate something about a story yeah
what was it what story was I on it for
God oh wow okay I get Oh was it maybe
okay that's right it was the journal
handed me a piece of paper yeah well
apparently these guys in in this this
facility that I was in in this this that
basically imagine it as like the base
was shaped like a cylinder and a giant
cylinder and the inner core would be you
like the command center and inside the
command center it was generals and there
were also other men lined up along these
computer terminals and they are all
wearing black suits but they were like
skin-tight it almost like kind of
matched I mean it wasn't like a typical
military uniform and they had well they
all seemed to be like in a trance and
it's interesting you're early you're
asking me well what's it like when we
when we do this it's worth we're like in
a robotic state so we don't really have
the ability to fight back or resist and
this is again it's all done through
trauma and torture and I actually had
memories of being at least I remember
seeing myself laying what I believe to
be the trip chair I don't know if you're
familiar with this if you listen to any
of Kaz bolts material yeah all right how
it goes yeah I have it all right well
yeah I have lots of use documents on my
second our website yeah and when I saw
myself laying in this chair I look like
I was unconscious and there were doctors
with the like that
like a facemask and they were looking in
my mouth and they were poking needles
and I've actually had that's one of
their favorite spots is to poke me in my
mouth so I don't know if I was actually
remote viewing myself in that particular
memory or if I was actually viewing like
it was an actual memory and I was seeing
myself seeing my clone in the chair okay
um let me ask you this
yeah do you feel that you're special
what special you know powers or gifts
that you have that you use in as you
know yes yeah they only seem to come
through in this dimension if I am really
angry and we're talking about
telekinesis but as far as what they're
using me for that's a good question
I believe it's recon psychic psychic
reconnaissance as a sniper assassin I
have memories of killing people and Iraq
so mostly I would say mostly recon and
the assassinations
okay thank you very much James and we'll
we'll come back to you with another set
of questions and let's go to olara olara
so so I guess you know the question
basically answering how you wish and
then I did ask sort of like an add-on
which is whatwhat's particular their
skillset you think you have um I guess
I'll start with a skill set because
that's really what I worked on most I
have been going out of body since the
first out-of-body experience I had of
those three years old and that was due
to an injury I had I fell down and
cracked my head open and then I send to
the hospital but I had been constantly
going out of my body all the time and I
was attached to what I think are super
soldiers I'm pretty sure and I'd act as
a battlefield asset where I'd stand or
float above a warzone and I could tell
like we're bad guys are like what they
were doing and there would be specific
soldiers on the ground and they weren't
super soldiers they could just be
regular grunts who were intuitive and
they were also what I believe injected
with extra vaccines that put a certain
chemical in their cerebral spinal fluid
that allowed me to project my feelings
and my emotions and what I saw to them
so that they would have a instinct on
where bad guys are like so they would be
considered lucky you know like oh it's
really lucky about that convoy through
or like so-and-so's really lucky like
take him with you and it was because we
would sit there project where these bad
guys were to get these soldiers through
the battlefield with not a lot of like
loss of life so those were one of the
things that I did but then on the other
side of that I also was linked up with
somebody specific where I could actually
share their consciousness and I would go
like as a ghost walk around and figure
out the entire layout of a specific
objective come back and share
consciousness with this soldier and
highly trained eye I mean I would have
lucid would have to see like lucid
dreams but not really of full sensory
input and all that of being in a guy's
body and just kind of looking out
through his eyes and going hey go left
go right here's the code for this as
they would go in and either extract
people from buildings get suitcases that
had microchips or things like that in it
very like these covert kind of seal
operations there was a team there's like
four or five people with this main
person that I was linked to and and
that's what I would do and I would
continue to do that all the time as for
other stuff I that's the biggest memory
that I have I knew that I could a
pathetically push people if needed and
change their emotions
I was also remote viewing
and like other places while under
hypnosis is actually drugged and under
hypnosis I'd be remote viewing targets
that they needed me to target mostly
when I was younger that was the most
Russia or USSR I guess back in 80's when
I was younger and I would just sit there
and be under under hypnosis and drugged
and just repeat to my handler everything
that I was seeing and repeating exactly
what those people were saying
and usually this politicians and things
like that buy your case in your case and
I'm sorry we seem to have some sort of
an echo on this slime what would help
help that is if somebody would mute
their skype when they're not talking and
then unmute yourself when you are
talking and that helps that the feedback
loop just FYI but at any rate olara in
your case because you were also in the
Marines when did this recall happen or
when did these experiences in your like
in your best estimation were they
happening for example I was might oh
yeah I was working mostly as a kid and
into my teenage years until I decided I
want to join the military for no
apparent I'd just decided I was gonna
join and I went back to the exact same
base that I was living next to so I knew
that they wanted me back in that area
that what they were planning on doing
from what I can remember is they wanted
to put me through my language school so
I had my clearance and then bought me
over to another program that I didn't
know anything about to see how well I
would do with that but even when I was
in the military I was I was being used
and there was I called friends and stuff
from the area since I grew up around
that area and said hey we're there any
time so I you know didn't show up cuz to
me when I think about it I hung up my
friends every weekend and they said
there were times when my a changed man
didn't know where I was and they would
just say oh she's doing some medical
thing and she's not here and so I was
missing a lot apparently okay they were
they were they were taking me and
sometimes it would be at night while I
was sleeping and sometimes it would be
physically where I would go with
somebody to go do something and we have
a whole lot of details on that but okay
the reason I got out I'm just gonna
throw this out there real quick is that
the reason I got out was cuz they gave
me an MRI because I ain't got a neck
injury when I was in boot camp and all
of a sudden I started realizing that I
was missing time and kind of just
started being really weirded out all the
time because I was like I where was I
and what was I doing
and once they caught wind of that
they're like okay we're just gonna let
you out and they let me out with a
medical just
and it was like the fastest that anybody
had ever seen and I was given a
disability right on top of that as soon
as I got out like I was completely set
and they just wanted to be just a
considered like nope this didn't work
out we're just gonna let her go so okay
and then but but when they let you go so
to speak in the real world your
experiences still continued I assume on
the other end not not really no no I was
I like I said was considered a
malfunction that I couldn't handle the
stress of being in the military and
doing the split personality stuff
because that's theirs their stress
testing me to see how if that would work
out so they were very surprised when my
abilities came back online and I could
actually function three years ago when I
finally just kind of snapped out of it
and started healing myself and every
time actually that I had gotten to a
point where I was really successful and
doing really well in my life and happy
and starting to remember things they had
actually sent my handler back in and
about three months with him and he would
I would be a best like I couldn't do
anything for myself I was on medication
I was completely just inoperable so it
took a while and then happened like
every four years or so until I finally
was like I'm done I'm done with this
like I don't want to talk to this person
and I kind of started my awakening and
and once I did that I started to
actually heal for reals this time and
it's been a process so in your case you
you basically don't feel that you're
continuing to be used no not at all they
can't touch me I actually have had for a
whole year about a year ago I would have
dreams of men in black suits walking up
to me going hey you know you you know
your abilities aren't being utilized you
know you're much more powerful than this
you should come work for us and I was
like that right and it was constant
every night I'd have the same the same
dream in a different setting or they'd
come out to me be like hey we can we
could give you stuff if you want to if
you come work for us and I was just like
no that's not that's not what I'm doing
right now okay and then at that point I
was also very connected to my star
family and having et contact a whole lot
and being on ship and things like that
and I was like no I much rather deal
with the ship side of things then deal
with the government side so I made my
choice okay okay well that's gonna that
actually bleeds through to another
question I'm going to ask you guys next
on the next round so so I'm gonna hold
off in going into that but but but we're
definitely gonna go there um okay
thank you very much Lara and I again
we're getting a ridiculous feedback loop
here so if you are listening to me and
you're not one of the people that I'm
talking I'm asking to talk if you could
mute yourself that's much better thank
you very much helping a lot so we've got
Richard Rodgers Richard the question if
you want me to repeat it tell me if you
do it basically is how aware you are how
are we're what your awareness of your
mission is what you're being utilized
for and and also the skill set that
you're using well I guess one thing just
to clarify jane says that uh I guess
he's robotic when he goes to his we
don't seem to be brother body but do we
really have free will I can't say it it
seems we do at the time but as far as
our training goes and what we're being
used for it's almost as if we're being
set up to be judge and jury and take
care of whatever situation arises
doesn't matter what it is I mean okay
we've been my name's uh I mean that's a
really interesting sort of choice of
words why are you saying judge and jury
in what well in the context like for my
my son and I in one scenario they ran us
through these entities you could not see
they would have like poltergeist
activity and what we found out is you
can lock on to an entity and you can
hold it there and you can drain its life
force until it's no longer even a spirit
it's just back into raw energy again and
it's gone and also you can do the same
thing with a physical but you have to do
it a two-part step you
to lock them to the physical person you
could drain their their physical energy
and kill the body but if you also
believe that that spirit or entity is
it's not salvageable it's so evil that
it's so corrupted then it's no longer
usable then you could also lock on the
spirit and continue on and take the
entity completely out okay sometimes if
we're being set up and judge and jury
for whatever we just call it yet
we're being trained for some event but
does that mean it's real no it doesn't
mean it's real it just means this is
what we're being placed and the
perceptions grow while you're there but
I have a hard time believing this would
ever really happen okay that's really
interesting so when you say you think
that you might be trained for an event
in other words you think a future event
well it's kind of hard to say with time
because they've also shown us that they
trained us in time shifting also like
with one lady they placed me in a bar
we're supposed to be buying weapons from
a lady and they also found out that her
husband had been murdered she wasn't
happy because of that and this was after
she had gone to college and became
successful and so I was buy located in
time I'm still there in the bar
preparing to buy weapons and I'm placed
back right before her husband's fixing
to be murdered so I just said just a few
words to him just talking from going out
on the street and that timeline changes
you know she never knows anything ever
happened and there's unforeseen
consequences but she never got college
educated and she was a janitor having to
work two jobs because her husband her
started the business so is it in the
future I don't know we've been shown the
tsunamis I've been showing an aircraft
carrier being positioned so it don't
break in half and he hits the the coast
lines to the nuclear you know the
reactor doesn't spill out I mean I've
been on the submarines I mean I care
that they've placed us in so many
different scenarios and showed us so
many different things that can happen
that there's just no way all this can
happen so I don't see okay well what
skill sets do you feel you're using
you're kind of alluding to it at least
going in and draining a spirit becoming
attached and so a lot like that that's
certainly a certain kind of a skill but
what is there anything specific that you
that you're aware of that you're being
you know utilized in your what you would
call your nose sort of gifts sir
well I can give you a specific scenario
that in assam was the false god scenario
where we were my son and i and four
other people were sent in to kill three
false gods but as far as the skill sets
more involved we have will be shown
where when we're fixing to be eliminated
and battle killed in battle so we have
enough time to change the the outcome of
that we have ghost mode where you can
levitate go invisible and pass through
matter we have consciousness viewing
mode where you everything shifts into
consciousness and it wouldn't matter
somebody was in a bunker five miles
underground you would see them under
there you don't even see the ground
really anymore the higher the
consciousness the brighter the light it
is you can't identify the light you only
see the light okay all right well that's
that's very interesting uh your son is
he going to the conference or is he too
young or what's the age of your son he
is almost 25 years old now and uh but no
he will not be going I'm not even sure
if he would go okay is he aware of all
of this or not
Oh most certainly safety and I've been
sent on missions together okay and he
has recall okay great
alright well we're going to come right
back with max Spears and the super
soldier summit thank you
and we are talking to four super
soldiers about their experiences and at
this moment let's see I think we were
coming back to to max Spears I think
we're gonna actually start with him
because we hadn't had a chance to really
ask him this question so max I'm sure
you know the question by now
I do you want to reply yeah in terms of
what skill sets is that is that what is
that what we're saying it's its skill
sets but it's also your awareness of
mission and and the reason and what you
were being used for okay um I've been
aware of
I've been highly psychics and since I've
acted just aware of things happening
before they were gonna happen and when
usually like extreme emotions like
telekinesis would happen things would
fall fall down off a shelf and I would I
would draw things to me in my life so I
would think of something or I'd be able
to manifest people into my life if I
would I would dream about them and then
they would manifest that way in terms of
soldier work that I did I would always
work in a pair you'll be usually with
the female the female we are situated as
the psychic and I would be on the ground
I would be paired up with someone
specifically usually at the same
bloodline of the same DNA so that we
there would be connection so that we
could be psychically linked together and
the the female would have a grand
perspective of where I was and what I
was doing
and would speak to me telepathically to
go say for example if I had to go down
the hallway to make a right into this
door or not do it unless you were to go
to a specific place so that's how I
would work that way okay and and your
skill sense in terms of in terms of what
carry well in terms of you know I mean
you say you're psychic but that's kind
of a general bucket do you feel that you
have specific sort of gifts as a super
stupidest soldier
we're using it yeah um yeah I was I mean
so this is the psychic part obviously
but um yeah I was used mainly as it was
like a goin get in and go out assassin
to go and just take just to kill people
specific people so um as I'm learning
and uncovering more myself III know more
it's just I have vivid memories of it I
have okay and how are you killing them
were you killing them in handy at combat
or shooting them with a gun it's usually
um it was usually like close up with a
gun it was usually stealth I was uses a
spy mostly and spot to find out
information bring information back and
then kill that way okay and and you feel
that you're psychic and you could do
telekinesis is that right
sure yeah that that was I knew that foot
since Isaac since I was a kid since I
was a child okay that sounds like it's a
conscious that was conscious like in
everyday life as well right yeah yeah
yeah yeah my on my mother's side of the
family is the same thing yeah okay yeah
but in being a super soldier did you
have augment ability or this area do you
feel yeah I mean in terms of like um you
know in other words have well you know
for example let's say could you go to
Mars or another planet and remote view
that and could you I was in arrests I
was in remote viewing classes from when
I was a child I remember being in
classes of 12 males and inhibit I state
learning how to remote view but that
that ties in with the pod that you
didn't want to talk about earlier on so
I'm trying to avoid that but that's what
hard isn't it
what do you mean what didn't I went to
take all the part it's the big part of
my story because it ties in with why why
why the song apart oh no that wasn't
that I didn't want to I just I wanted to
hear the super-soldier part first oh but
that we can definitely go into the
occult part no doubt about it
oh please please elaborate okay okay um
so I I remember
from from from six seven eight years old
I would go to school and I would have
missing time in school I would have
never lose like an hour of time at
school be called out of class I know I
would be in a dot from what three or
four people with white lab coats on and
then I would black out and then I'll my
next memory would be back in the
classroom so this would there was I
think they were I'm pretty sure I have a
chip in the top of my a microchip in the
top of mine bridge of my nose I'm one
behind my left ear and so that this is
how they are remote control if I feel
like it's like a remote control I feel a
remote control me that's how they did it
so in terms of skills it was very raw it
was very brutal and very raw so I yeah
it sounds like you were prepared through
a cult
you know rituals and and torture yeah to
endure or or or sort of you know change
do you feel you have alters for example
uh yeah many of them many of them I
think that they they have to create the
author's are specifically and I I get
triggered a lot all the time through
colors and symbols I studied symbology
for a long time and I've tried to learn
what which what how I get triggered and
how it happens because some of the
autism the change is so subtle that
unless you knew me very very well you
wouldn't even know that I died slipped
into another one but the soldier alter
and the one because my front alter
personality would never kill anybody
that's not my nature I wouldn't do that
I'm not an aggressive person but there
are other alters that can be pulled
forward that I can do anything that they
want me to do okay just bear with me
tell me who you have memories of other
planets yeah I do I have memories of the
Red Planet I have memories of mom's
specifically from since I was a kid
and what about the Anunnaki especially
tall beings
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely
I remember I I haven't connected to that
to a Knights Templar bloodline and I
think the Templars are specifically are
connected to the Anunnaki as well that
they're not it seems to me that they are
second in charge in terms of controlling
this planet as the Orion's are at the
top of the pile but there there's a lot
infighting going on the Anunnaki of
eight nine ten feet tall there's a moon
looking beings
Orion's taller than that the Nordics the
north the nor yet that this is why I had
the split at the beginning because I was
equally split with Nordic blood and
Anunnaki blood equally fifty fifty fifty
percent okay um what about memories of
being an astronaut so for me it wasn't
when I in terms of moving from place to
place I remember being on ships I
remember being on ships and I'm being a
pilot but it was the Ashley flying
happened on on this planet when it was
gone from planet to planet it was
through Stargate openings so they would
create a torsion field open the toy
infield I would walk through it and then
I would just appear at the next spot so
it's done through technology I didn't
specifically get into a ship and fly
from one place to another
okay all right it's just very good you
know and obviously we could I could
spend hours questioning you guys I hope
you you know appreciate this and you
know I know this is not the easiest way
to do things because we're jumping
around a lot and each person is so
unique that you know there are certain
things that we don't get to go into here
in a lot of depth and I apologize for
that but I guess that is encouragement
to attend the summit right and have
right and these why she's talking to you
and thank you carry on and it's must be
difficult to hold something like this
with this many people without any I
appreciate that
no problem okay what I wanted to ask
it first of all do you all know who
Aaron McCollum is I do yes yeah yeah I
know yes I know of him I don't know I
don't really watch me with stuff okay
and how about you James yeah I met about
waken aware when is out in LA okay yeah
okay no that's cool now what I want to
know is you know because it sounds like
maybe most of you haven't seen my
interviews with him but if you had we
talked a lot about dolphin DNA I under
okay and what my question is to all of
you whether you feel that you have other
DNA such as dolphin DNA in you and
whether you have any undersea experience
in in as a social soup sort of super
soldier whatever you want to call
yourself and and let's start off going
around sort of in the circle james rink
okay yeah well I do recall being in a
sea bass I was with Max and there was
another individual which I haven't
really haven't been given permission to
give out this individual name but I
rather not say what I was doing but
there you're asking about as far as the
DNA component is concerned I've been
told in anyway that my biological father
was a Palladian reptilian halfling so
and i feel like i resonate with that
because i do feel that I don't belong on
this planet
I don't resonate with 99% of all people
and I just don't feel comfortable being
in skin you know being in my own skin so
yeah and it makes things difficult
because you you just want to get rid of
all these emotions and on the one hand
but you've gone through so much torture
and abuse and trauma that you just
you're still living in a human
experience so I guess I get to tap into
all that and
but but you know that's the one thing I
want to mention is that the covert
government targets people specifically
because the covert government is
controlled by the reptilians and the
Drakh owes they are specifically looking
for people with reptilian and dracco DNA
in them for these mylabs because people
with this type of genetics are a lot
more physically stronger and that makes
them more suitable for this type of
programming okay and and do you have any
memory of undersea where you said when
you says Sea Base were you talking about
an undersea base yeah I get the
impression that I was in a submarine and
I was I saw these what looks like spires
or some kind of cone cylinder shaped
buildings at the bottom of the ocean and
the next memory I remember being in a
room with Max and it was a gray there
and that's about that with that memory
but yeah so I feel like I've been around
I feel like they are using me for a
project see get a product is a Seagate
yeah project see yeah blood I don't
recall working with Aaron McCullen
specifically and unfortunately I I don't
really have a way of communicating with
Aaron he sort of shut down any kind of
line of communication with me and he
won't really give me any reason why I
think okay but I respect him and
whatever decision he made there he is
okay and I appreciate that
olara can you answer the question you
want me to repeat it just let me know um
I I don't know honestly I just know that
the the circumstances around my birth
were unusual and if there's any other
DNA involved I don't know ask for
underwater stuff I would have dreams
about being able to breathe underwater
and just but nothing more than that and
I don't have anything that's the memory
of that a lot of my memories are locked
up I can see it it looks like a floating
cube and I just know they're in there I
can't get to them
that's why I'm trying to see if I can
find anybody else that really knows
what's going on and to kind of see if I
can either trigger something or get
close to a memory that I can hold on to
this for me this is all very new I mean
it's been three months since I actually
figured out that this could be real and
that's still it's very it's very new to
me like yeah I didn't even think I
really didn't want to look into this
even when I got my memories back I kind
of just shut down again until February
and then that's when I did the videos to
see if if anyone else knew what I was
talking about because I had no idea that
anybody else was saying this kind of
thing so this is all really still new to
me okay
okay and and let me ask a question just
because I might I'm an intuitive and I
get I get information just as you do so
some of my questions might come out of
left field and I apologize for that but
I've a reason for it so what I want from
you is that you do have some prior I
relationship with one of the individuals
in this group is that right right um
yeah I think so okay it's all it's like
I said I don't I just I'm I don't know
olara men talk about how you first heard
about me it well that wasn't that was a
message to contact somebody and I don't
know if it was you specifically when I
started getting my when I did the
interview and kind of my brain clicked
over to say this is real I started
remote viewing randomly and getting
messages and things like that I didn't
feel connection to max but I just knew
that I had to keep him safe somehow and
that was I know that I have worked with
alarm I'm sure hundred percent sure of
it yeah you know and I just want to give
you feedback from my end that that's
actually what I'm picking up I'm picking
up that you've worked with Max and that
I have no doubt about I'm a hundred
percent sure of it
she was an overseer for me when I was on
the ground and
we were connected she would see big
picture I would be the my the microcosm
and she would guide me yeah for sure
I know that yeah yeah I'm thinking I'm
picking that up myself okay thank you
for that and you know I hope that you
know good good luck with this journey um
Richard do you want to answer the
question and if you'd like I'll repeat
it it was about undersea bases and
dolphin DNA we've got a break to go to a
very sorry we'll be right back thinking
about good things to come could be Kerry
Cassidy Project Camelot whistle or radio
and we're talking to four super soldiers
James rink Elora Blackwell Richard
Rogers and max Spears
let's see right before the break I was
about to go to Richard and just ask him
the question I've been asking everyone
which had to do with undersea bases and
also dolphin DNA or some other form of
DNA in that sense are you aware of it
any of that Richard I know I've not had
any dolphin DNA then wherever and I
don't know about any undersea bases I've
had some undersea experiences but I
don't know if they're just a stroll or
or what they are but um in one incident
I woke up and I knew that something had
happened you wake up in your bed but you
don't know you're out for about 30 or 45
seconds and they told us when they
physically take us then it takes a while
for us to resyncing of this reality and
that's what we get so distorted in our
consciousness but my son told me what
happened that morning he said that he
saw me inside of something like a flower
that was wrapped up about halfway over
the upper part of my body and he said it
was a there was a tall white they had a
red eyes with a scent of the ends of the
eyes the outsides of the eyes being up
they were actually pointing downward but
he said that they were checking for the
DNA upgrades to see how much he'd taken
and he said that they were reptilian DNA
upgrades though and there's also another
incident where it felt like you were on
on the edge of a cliff with a blinding
white light and the only thing I
remember doing is I had to go and start
doing math immediately that's the only
you had to focus immediately and very
hard or you couldn't like you were gonna
lose your consciousness it was gonna be
just dissolved and they told my son he
went through the same thing on the same
night and they said that was also part
of the upgrade process and that said
that some people don't survive because
they do just they go belligerent but
other okay now are you aware of having
been strong in in you know having your
entire body sort of balloon up and
becoming super strong have you ever had
that that experience I know my son has
had that I believe James turns into
something that resembles the Hulk now
they've had us fight those before my son
and I did that on the same night also
and the only thing we had in our
advantage you know he at that time he
wasn't like that he was just a regular
body but they had us fighting these
things just to see if we could fight him
and kill him
okay and the successful yeah so on
because we were quicker than they were
that if they ever got hold ups they were
destroyed us okay and and what about you
know have you seen the movie The
Terminator yes okay and and does that
trigger any memories for you well in
another scenario they I had a partner
and we were supposed to go and find a
cyborg and I did realize it was a cyborg
at the time but um all we knew was that
she could scan somebody until if they
had weapons and we located her in a dark
room and my partner all of a sudden he
fired a dart out of his face and hit
this table right above eyebrow and it
went down and after about a minute or so
it was almost like a cross formed on its
aluminum like a woman fall across on the
edges of it was plastic in the center
and apparently this thing it would form
some sort of a hologram that she could
actually touch and it would feel like it
was a face the rest of body looked
normal was just a head had this this
cyborg machinery in it I see and and so
have you ever you know in other words
have you seen futures with with machines
robots walking around you Besta god no I
have not
okay all right
well thank you for that let's see the
last person is max spheres and I'm go
right ahead and it's the question if you
want me to repeat it I'll be glad to
yeah I'll just repeat the question
wasn't the DNI question Carrie yeah
there was two parts when one had to do
with undersea bases and the other had to
do with dolphin DNA or some other form
of DNA uh you know in other words could
be reptilian whatever type of thing
you're talking okay okay I'm very aware
of my own DNA but in terms of an
undersea yeah I remember a lot of
working on submarines like nuclear
submarines huge huge submarines and I
remember rituals going on in submarines
and I remember black I remember working
in in water a lot
black jumpsuits coming out coming out
with teams coming out with teams from
like covertly coming out with teams from
underwater get pulling people in and
doing attacks that we're I'm okay and I
yeah I'm hot like I said before carry
like half Nordic and Anunnaki are the
two that you're most aware of okay um
let me see is there anything you want to
add that that maybe this question didn't
touch on that you think you know comes
to mind yeah I have me not with a lot of
other people who had interviews I mean
you've had on the bases in bases
interviews with Myles Johnson ah I
remember these people I think
a select group that I've always worked
with and I think they know that they the
people who do this or the consciousness
that does this knows very well how to
block out how to control the mind that
they know the human mind a lot better of
my mind a lot better than I do so they
know how to block out my memories
perfectly it's just that I think around
the age of thirty it broke down so I
remembered them and I'm familiar with
these people they've been this group not
this specific I'm familiar with olara
with James and a few other people who've
been through so so we always work in in
the same groups and I think it's to do
with DNA okay um
now I want to ask all of you in and I'm
sorry we haven't been able to get to the
questions in the chat and I know you
guys have been gracious enough to go in
and actually chat directly with people
with just you know really a lot of fun
for them I'm sure so you know that's all
good and and like I said we really have
a limited time here and I've got this
feedback happening again but here we go
I want to ask all of you if you have
seen the future what have you seen and
we're gonna go very quickly around the
circle so James ring here first okay
good question I believe on December 21st
2012 that there's probably going to be a
period of three days of darkness
I don't know if you've heard about this
at all and there's various scenarios I'm
not just quite sure what's gonna happen
um one hand one scenario I've been told
there's gonna be a sinchon scenario
where my labs and those of us who at
least going towards the white light
we're going to ascend and a lot of of
course you know people are not
necessarily just my last but people of
the white light will send as well into
the fifth dimension and the other I
would I don't know what percentage were
talking here
it could be ninety seven percent of
humanity is basically ceases I'm not
going to say dies or ceases to exist
because they have not graduated from the
third dimension into v and v there's no
evil allowed
and most of humanity are clones and this
goes back to the time of Atlantis so
that's one option the other what else
I've also been told or heard is that the
the covert government and the reptilians
are working on a false flag invasion and
they want to they want to bring during
this time of darkness they want to bring
these reptilians out to invade and cause
all this destruction but I think there's
going to be a double-cross the
reptilians are going to double-cross the
covert government there are there up
there entities I'm not going to say
necessarily Draco's but those within the
reptilian consciousness that do not like
what's going on and they're going to try
to sabotage this a matter of fact it I I
think that's what's going on especially
right now tonight all of us here talking
we have our programming has been
sabotage and there's not much there's
not much they can do about it and they
are totally freaking out because they've
lost their power
we were we were designed to be their
pets and we're not going to be playing
that game anymore okay thank you thank
you James I'm sorry we'll move on really
quickly here olara what do you have to
say about that um honestly I can't
really see past a month ahead the the
timelines are so I mean it's so vast
it's I when I look I see nothing like I
just I can't see anything and it's not
the fact that there's nothing going to
happen it just means that I'm not privy
to it and then I'm supposed to live my
life day to day at this point and
continue to grow the way I need to so
you know what everybody's point is valid
for what they think might happen just
because that you can always shift into
different timelines if you choose to so
really how can you predict that unless
you choose to go there so I don't know
we'll see
okay Michael Rogers but to me that's
what it seems like I'm like you know I
don't wanna spoil the surprise well
let's get ready and if something does
happen that I know that I'll be ready
for it and I trust that and I feel that
I'm gonna be safe and okay fine I'm
sorry but we have you know watching the
clock here so
to move on to the next person so Richard
the future have seen the future we've
been showing all sorts of destruction
but at this point I really don't think
it's gonna happen myself if it does
happen we've been trained for it we can
handle pretty much anything it's
throwing our ways
so you're the way it goes it really
doesn't matter okay and max I feel like
that guy was involved in Montauk
the Montauk Project I remember being
involved in that and there's been so
much messing around the timelines and
time distortion that it's very difficult
to predict anything because timelines
are changing on a daily basis so there's
no specific dates thank you very much
we're at the end of the show I would
like to thank all of you you've been
wonderful here and very patient with it
with the process please give the website
again for the event so that people can
come and support what you're doing it is
WW super-soldier summit comm again
that's June 23rd in San Rafael I believe
they say it right north of San Francisco
they're San Rafael San Rafael there we
go yeah
Northern California beautiful place by
the way okay well thank you guys it
would just be lovely let's do this again
let's do it in a different format where
we got some from some more room and and
once you're done with the summit please
come back to me and let's see what we
can do okay okay okay thank you thank
you good night good night
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